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Agreement Concerning Automotive Products Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America

E100604 - CTS 1966 No. 14 The Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America, Determined to strengthen the economic relations between their two countries; Recognizing that this can best be achieved through the stimulation of economic growth and through the expansion of markets available to producers in both countries within the framework of the established policy of both countries of promoting multilateral trade; Recognizing that an expansion of trade can best be achieved through the reduction or elimination of tariff and all other barriers to trade operating to impede or distort the full and efficient development of each country’s trade and industrial potential; Recognizing the important place that the automotive industry occupies in the industrial economy of the two countries and the interests of industry, labor and consumers in sustaining high levels of efficient production and continued growth in the automotive industry; Agree as follows:

Article I

  1. The creation of a broader market for automotive products within which the full benefits of specialization and large-scale production can be achieved;
  2. The liberalization of Canadian and United States automotive trade in respect of tariff barriers and other factors tending to impede it, with a view to enabling the industries of both countries to participate on a fair and equitable basis in the expanding total market of the two countries;
  3. The development of conditions in which market forces may operate effectively to attain the most economic pattern of investment, produc­tion and trade.

It shall be the policy of each Government to avoid actions which would frustrate the achievement of these objectives.

Article II

  1. The Government of Canada, not later than the entry into force of the legislation contemplated in paragraph (b) of this Article, shall accord duty-free treatment to imports of the products of the United States described in Annex A.
  2. The Government of the United States, during the session of the United States Congress commencing on January 4, 1965, shall seek enactment of legislation authorizing duty-free treatment of imports of the prod­ucts of Canada described in Annex B. In seeking such legislation, the Government of the United States shall also seek authority permitting the implementation of such duty-free treatment retroactively to the earliest date administratively possible following the date upon which the Government of Canada has accorded duty-free treatment. Prompt­ly after the entry into force of such legislation, the Government of the United States shall accord duty-free treatment to the products of Canada described in Annex B.

Article III

The commitments made by the two Governments in this Agreement shall not preclude action by either Government consistent with its obligations under Part II of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

Article IV

  1. At any time, at the request of either Government, the two Govern­ments shall consult with respect to any matter relating to this Agreement.
  2. Without limiting the foregoing, the two Governments shall, at the request of either Government, consult with respect to any problems which may arise concerning automotive producers in the United States which do not at present have facilities in Canada for the manufacture of motor vehicles, and with respect to the implications for the opera­tion of this Agreement of new automotive producers becoming estab­lished in Canada.
  3. No later than January 1, 1968, the two Governments shall jointly undertake a comprehensive review of the progress made towards achieving the objectives set forth in Article I. During this review the Governments shall consider such further steps as may be necessary or desirable for the full achievement of these objectives.

Article V

Access to the Canadian and United States markets provided for under this Agreement may by agreement be accorded on similar terms to other countries.

Article VI

This Agreement shall enter into force provisionally on the date of signa­ture and definitively on the date upon which notes are exchanged between the two Governments giving notice that appropriate action in their respective legislatures has been completed.

Article VII

This Agreement shall be of unlimited duration. Each Government shall however have the right to terminate this Agreement twelve months from the date on which that Government gives written notice to the other Government of its intention to terminate the Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the repre­sentatives of the two Governments have signed this Agreement.

DONE in duplicate at Johnson City, Texas, this 16th day of Janu­ary 1965, in English and French, the two texts being equally authentic.

Lester B. Pearson
Paul Martin

Lyndon B. Johnson
Dean Rusk