Chapter 4 - Waiver of the Foreign Residence Requirement

Exchange visitors who are subject to the foreign residence requirement may apply for a waiver. There are five bases for waiving the requirement:

The filing of an application for a waiver of the 2-year foreign residence requirement does not terminate an exchange visitor's nonimmigrant status. [1]

Applicants are required to submit the Application for Waiver of the Foreign Residence Requirement (under Section 212(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as Amended) (Form I-612), to USCIS only if requesting a waiver on the basis of exceptional hardship or persecution. If USCIS determines that the applicant has established exceptional hardship or persecution, it transmits the information to the U.S. Department of State’s (DOS) Waiver Review Division (DOS-WRD). DOS-WRD makes a recommendation after reviewing the program, policy, and foreign relations aspects of the case and transmits its recommendation to USCIS.

If USCIS denies the waiver before the referral to the DOS, the applicant may appeal the decision to the USCIS Administrative Appeals Office (AAO). If a waiver is denied due to a negative DOS recommendation, there is no appeal, but it may be possible for the applicant reapply for a waiver. [2]

DOS-WRD makes a recommendation for waivers based on the remaining grounds, no objection, IGA, or federal, state, and Conrad 30 programs for foreign medical graduates, and transmits the recommendation to USCIS. USCIS reviews and issues the decision to the applicant and if applicable, to the applicant’s attorney. If a waiver is denied due to a negative DOS recommendation, there is no appeal of that denial, but it may be possible for the applicant to reapply on a different basis. [3]

B. Exceptional Hardship

Exchange visitors may be eligible for a waiver of the foreign residence requirement if they can establish exceptional hardship to their U.S. citizen or LPR spouse or child. Exceptional hardship must be beyond the normal hardship expected from a temporary relocation or separation.

There are different levels of hardship. In the context of general immigration waivers, there is exceptional hardship, extreme hardship, and exceptional and extremely unusual hardship. [4] Exceptional hardship is more than normal hardship (general disruption), but less than extreme or exceptional and extremely unusual hardship. [5]

When determining whether the applicant has established that the foreign residence requirement would result in an exceptional hardship to the U.S. citizen or LPR spouse or child, USCIS officers must evaluate whether:

1. Evidence

To request a waiver based on exceptional hardship to the U.S. citizen or LPR spouse or child, applicants must file a Foreign Residence Requirement waiver application with USCIS. [6]

Applicants must submit evidence to demonstrate that:

If the applicant fails to provide such evidence, the officer issues a Request for Evidence (RFE), providing the applicant an opportunity to submit the requested documentation or information. If the applicant fails to respond to the RFE or does not provide the requested documentation or information, the officer denies the waiver for failure to establish exceptional hardship.

While no single factor is normally determinative with exceptional hardship findings, USCIS generally considers the following when adjudicating the foreign residence requirement waiver application:

Such evidence could include DOS travel alerts, medical diagnosis and prognosis from physicians, and comprehensive bank records. In addition, USCIS officers may consult with DOS-WRD in cases where the DOS-WRD has better access to information necessary for the adjudication, or if DOS-WRD has made a recommendation that appears to be based upon incomplete or inaccurate information (for example, where an applicant failed to mention previously participating in a J-1 program funded by the government).

2. Adjudication

If the evidence establishes a prima facie [14] case of exceptional hardship, officers must notify the DOS-WRD of USCIS’ determination, so that DOS-WRD can make a recommendation based on the program, policy, and foreign relations considerations. USCIS may not approve the foreign residence requirement waiver application without a favorable recommendation from DOS-WRD.

Cases that USCIS sends to DOS-WRD for recommendation must include:

The dependent family members of a principal applicant (J-1) who have been in J-2 status during a time when the principal applicant was subject to the foreign residence requirement must be included on the Form I-613 sent to DOS-WRD. Officers should review the Arrival/Departure Record (Form I-94) for each dependent family member to make that determination. Where the application includes such dependent family members, officers should designate USCIS as the interested agency recommending their inclusion in the waiver request on Form I-613.

Burden of Proof

In all cases, applicants have the burden of proving eligibility for a waiver and must demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that they are fully qualified for the waiver. [15]

Officers generally should not apply leniency in the adjudication of exceptional hardship waivers, including in cases where the applicant uses a marriage occurring in the United States, or the birth of a child or children, to support the contention that the applicant’s departure from this country would cause personal hardship. [16]

3. Decision

If the applicant cannot establish a prima facie case of exceptional hardship through the documentary evidence submitted, USCIS does not send the case to DOS-WRD, but, rather, denies the application. Applicants may appeal this determination to the AAO.

If the applicant establishes a prima facie case of exceptional hardship, but DOS-WRD does not recommend approval, USCIS denies the application. There is no appeal right from this type of denial because the unfavorable recommendation came from DOS-WRD, not from USCIS.

If the applicant establishes a prima facie case of exceptional hardship and DOS-WRD recommends approval, USCIS approves the waiver and notifies the applicant and the applicant's legal representative, if applicable, of the approval.

C. Persecution

J-1 exchange visitors subject to the foreign residence requirement may apply for a waiver if they would be subject to persecution in their respective home countries on account of race, religion, or political opinion. The persecutor may be either the government itself or a group that the government is unwilling or unable to control.

The standard for a J-1 persecution waiver requires the exchange visitor to show that they would be subject to persecution on account of race, religion, or political opinion. [17] This is a higher standard than persecution claims filed under the asylum provisions of the INA. [18] Notably, INA 212(e) requires the applicant to establish that the applicant would be subject to persecution upon a return to the home country, whereas an applicant under INA 208 must only establish a well-founded fear of persecution.

1. Evidence

To request a foreign residence requirement waiver based on persecution, applicants must file the waiver application with USCIS. [19] Applicants must submit evidence that they are in fact subject to the requirement and that they would be subject to persecution in their home country because of their race, religion, or political opinion. [20]

2. Adjudication

If USCIS determines that the applicant would be persecuted upon return to the home country, it then transmits the information to DOS. DOS may choose not to recommend an approval of a waiver based on program, policy, or foreign relations aspects of a case, even if USCIS finds that the J-1 exchange visitor would be subject to persecution. [21]

Burden of Proof

In all cases, applicants have the burden of proving eligibility for a waiver and must demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that they are fully qualified for the waiver. [22]

3. Decision

If the applicant cannot establish a prima facie case of persecution through the documentary evidence submitted, USCIS does not send the case to DOS-WRD, but, rather, denies the application. Applicants may appeal this determination to the AAO.

If the applicant establishes a prima facie case of persecution, but DOS-WRD does not recommend approval, USCIS denies the application. There is no appeal right from this type of denial because the unfavorable recommendation came from DOS-WRD, not from USCIS.

If the applicant establishes a prima facie case of persecution and DOS-WRD recommends approval, USCIS approves the waiver and notifies the applicant and the applicant's legal representative, if applicable, of the approval.

D. No Objection

With the exception of J exchange visitors who came to the United States for the purpose of receiving graduate medical training and those who changed to J-1 status for such purpose, J exchange visitors may request a waiver of the foreign residence requirement based on a statement by the government of the country of the applicant’s nationality or last legal permanent residence that it has no objection if the applicant does not return to the country upon completion of the program. [23] This official statement is commonly known as a “no objection” letter.

A no objection letter is generally insufficient to warrant a favorable recommendation from the DOS-WRD when U.S. government funding was involved in the exchange program.

1. Requirements

Applicants may not submit a no objection letter directly to USCIS. USCIS rejects letters submitted directly to USCIS by the exchange visitor along with instructions on the proper channels for submission. [24] No objection letters must be sent directly from the J-1 exchange visitor’s home country to the DOS-WRD through official diplomatic channels. DOS-WRD then sends its recommendation to USCIS.

2. Evidence

Upon receipt of the no objection letter and the DOS-WRD recommendation, officers should review the case to ensure that documentation is in order and that the waiver is appropriate for the exchange visitor’s circumstances (for example, ensure that the applicant did not come to the United States as an exchange visitor, or later acquire such status, in order to receive graduate medical training or education). If the exchange visitor is eligible for the waiver, USCIS approves the waiver and notifies the applicant and the applicant's legal representative, if applicable, of the approval. [25]

E. Interested Government Agency

Any U.S. IGA may request a waiver if the IGA is able to demonstrate that either the J-1 exchange visitor's departure would be detrimental to one of its programs or the exchange visitor's stay in the United States is vital to one of its programs. [26] The rationale for an IGA waiver is that it is in the public interest to have the exchange visitor remain in the United States. The exchange visitor need not be an employee of the agency unless the agency has internal guidelines requiring that the exchange visitor be employed by it before it may recommend a waiver.

The head of the agency (or their designee) must sign the letter requesting the waiver and submit it to the DOS-WRD. [27] DOS-WRD forwards its recommendation to USCIS.

F. Foreign Medical Graduates – Federal, State, and Conrad 30 Programs

1. General Requirements

Upon completion of the J-1 exchange visitor’s program, a foreign medical graduate (FMG) may obtain a waiver of the foreign residence requirement pursuant to INA 214(l) through a recommendation of a state or federal agency interested in facilitating the FMG’s employment in a federally designated shortage area as an H-1B nonimmigrant. [28] To be eligible for the waiver, the FMG must: