Real Estate Partnership Agreement: Guide & Free Sample

Real estate is a profitable venture for those seeking to diversify their portfolio. However, navigating the industry alone can be daunting. That’s why many investors opt for partnerships to pool resources and minimize risks.

In a real estate partnership, it’s essential to have a well-crafted partnership agreement that outlines the important elements of the collaboration. The sample partnership agreement for real estate in this guide will help you get started.

In this article, we’ll explore the essential components of a real estate partnership agreement. We’ve also included a sample partnership agreement for real estate to help you get started.

What is a Real Estate Partnership Agreement?

A partnership agreement for real estate is essential for any partnership formed in the real estate industry. It is an official document that helps creates a joint venture between two or more individuals or entities to purchase and manage properties.

The document summarizes the terms and conditions of the partnership, including the responsibilities and obligations of each partner, profit-sharing arrangements, and dispute-resolution mechanisms.

Without a partnership agreement, disputes and misunderstandings can arise, potentially causing significant financial losses and jeopardizing the partnership’s success.

Setting up a Real Estate Partnership

1. Determine the type of partnership

Before drafting a partnership agreement, deciding on the type of partnership structure that will work best for your needs is essential. Some common types of real estate partnerships include:

General Partnership. A general partnership involves two or more partners who jointly own and operate the business. Each partner is liable for the debts and obligations of the association.

Limited Partnership. A limited partnership comprises one or more general partners who oversee operations and assume personal liability for the partnership’s debt and obligations. It also comprises one or more limited partners who contribute capital but have no role in management and limited liability.

Limited Liability Partnership. A limited liability partnership (LLP) is a type of partnership where every partner enjoys limited liability for the debts and obligations of the partnership. And management duties are shared among partners.

2. Define the terms of the partnership

Once you’ve decided on the partnership structure, it’s time to define the terms of the partnership. This includes outlining the purpose of the association, each partner’s responsibilities, contribution, allocation of profits and losses, management structure, and decision-making process.

It’s essential to be clear and specific when defining these terms to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts later. Consider including provisions for resolving disputes, admitting new partners, and dissolving the partnership.

3. Draft the partnership agreement

The partnership agreement is a formal legal document that outlines the terms of the partnership. It should include all the words you’ve defined in the previous step and any other relevant information. Such as the collaboration term and the process for terminating the partnership.

It’s essential to draft the partnership agreement carefully to ensure that it accurately shows the intentions of all partners. And provides a solid legal foundation for the partnership. Working with an attorney experienced in real estate partnership agreements is advisable to help draft the agreement.

4. Review and sign the partnership agreement

Once the partnership agreement is drafted, please review it carefully with all partners to ensure everyone agrees with the terms. You may need to make revisions to the contract based on feedback from partners.

Once everyone has agreed, sign the partnership agreement and keep a copy for each partner. It’s vital to ensure that all partners fully understand the terms of the agreement and the implications of signing it.

5. Register the partnership

Depending on the regulation and statutes of your locality, you may need to register the partnership with the appropriate government agency. This typically involves filing paperwork and paying a fee.

The registration process varies depending on your location. So it’s essential to research the requirements in your area and ensure that you comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

6. Obtain necessary licenses and permits

Depending on the type of real estate partnership, you may need to obtain specific licenses to ensure that your operations are lawful. This may include a real estate license or other professional licenses.

Again, the requirements vary depending on your location and the nature of your partnership. So it’s important to research the necessary licenses and permits and ensure that you comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

7. Open a partnership bank account

It’s essential to keep the partnership’s finances separate from each partner’s personal finances. Creating a bank account in the partnership’s name is necessary to keep track of all financial transactions.

The partnership bank account should be used exclusively for partnership-related transactions. And all partners should have access to the bill to ensure transparency and accountability.

8. Start the partnership

Once all the legal and administrative tasks have been completed, you can begin operating the partnership. This involves executing the plans outlined in the partnership agreement, managing the business’s day-to-day operations, and working to achieve the partnership’s goals.

Maintaining open communication and collaboration among all partners ensures the partnership runs smoothly. Regular meetings and updates can keep everyone on the same page and facilitate decision-making.

In addition, it’s essential to keep accurate records of all partnership-related transactions, such as income, expenses, and taxes. This can help ensure the partnership operates effectively and complies with all legal and financial requirements.

Essential Components of A Real Estate Partnership Agreement

Here are some essentials that should be included in a real estate partnership agreement.

1. Type of Partnership

The partnership structure should be clearly defined, be it a general partnership, limited partnership, or limited liability partnership.

2. Purpose of the partnership

The purpose of the partnership should be clearly stated, such as the acquisition, management, and rental of residential or commercial properties.

3. Capital contribution

The amount of capital each partner will contribute to the partnership should be specified. This could include cash, property, or other assets.

4. Profit and loss allocation

The partnership agreement should specify how profits and losses will be allocated among partners. This could be based on the percentage of capital contributed or other agreed-upon criteria.

5. Management responsibilities

The management responsibilities of each partner should be outlined. This could include property acquisition, rental management, repairs and maintenance, and other day-to-day operations.

6. Decision-making process

The decision-making process for significant partnership decisions, such as property acquisitions or sales, should be clearly defined. This could include a requirement for unanimous consent or designated decision-making authority.

7. Dispute resolution

The partnership agreement should include provisions for resolving disputes between partners, such as mediation or arbitration.

8. Termination and dissolution

The process for terminating or dissolving the partnership should be outlined, including the distribution of assets and liabilities.

9. Liability

The liability of each partner should be defined. This could include personal liability for general partners or limited liability for limited partners.

10. Insurance

The partnership should have insurance coverage for the properties it owns and manages. And the partnership agreement should specify the type and amount of insurance required.

Protecting Yourself in Real Estate Partnership

Real estate partnerships can be a great way to invest in real estate, but protecting yourself and your interests is important. Here are some ways to do so:

Have a written partnership agreement

Before you start investing, make sure you have a written partnership agreement that specifies the roles and responsibilities of each partner. It should also include the profit-sharing arrangement, and the process for making decisions.

Define the exit strategy

It’s important to have a clear exit strategy for the partnership, whether selling the property or buying out one of the partners. This should also be outlined in the partnership agreement.

Conduct a thorough investigation

Before investing in any property, conduct thorough due diligence, including property inspections, appraisals, and market research. This will help you make a more suitable choice about the investment and minimize the risk of surprises down the road.

Hire a qualified attorney

It’s important to work with an attorney with experience in real estate partnerships to help you navigate the legal complexities of the arrangement.

Keep accurate records

Make sure to keep accurate records of all financial transactions related to the partnership, including income, expenses, and distributions. This will help you avoid disputes and ensure everyone receives their fair share of profits.

Consider getting insurance

Insurance can protect you from unforeseen events such as property damage or liability claims. Consider getting insurance coverage that suits your partnership’s needs.

Signatures on legal documents

Ensuring that all legal documents related to the partnership are signed and executed properly is essential. This includes the partnership agreement, contracts, deeds, and any other legal documents that may be required.

Please review these documents carefully before signing them, and consider consulting with an attorney to ensure your interests are protected. Additionally, keep copies of all legal documents for your records.

Ensuring that all legal documents are signed and executed correctly protects yourself and your investment in the partnership.

Two guys writing something on a document while in front of their laptops.

Sample Partnership Agreement for Real Estate

Here’s a sample of a well-written real estate partnership agreement. However, it’s always advisable to consult an attorney when drafting a legal document like this.

Partnership Agreement

This agreement is made on [date] between [Partner A], residing at [address], and [Partner B], residing at [address], collectively referred to as the “Partners,” to form a partnership for the acquisition and management of real estate property located at [property address].

Purpose of the Partnership

The purpose of this partnership is to acquire, hold, manage, and dispose of the real estate property. Located at [property address] (the “Property”) to generate income and appreciation.

Capital Contributions

The Partners shall contribute to the partnership the following amounts:

Partner A shall contribute [amount] in cash and [description of other contribution, if any]

Partner B shall contribute [amount] in cash and [description of other contribution, if any]

The total capital the Partners contribute shall be [total amount].

Profit Sharing

The Partners shall share the profits and losses of the partnership in proportion to their respective capital contributions.


The Partners shall manage the Property jointly and shall make all decisions related to the operation of the Property by mutual agreement. In the event of a deadlock, the matter shall be resolved by a third-party mediator.


The Partners shall receive distributions from the partnership in proportion to their respective capital contributions and profits earned by the association.


This partnership shall continue until the Property is sold or the Partners mutually agree to terminate the partnership.

Dispute Resolution

Any dispute that arises due to this partnership shall be resolved through mediation and, if mediation fails, by binding arbitration.


Each Partner shall compensate and hold harmless the other Partner against any losses. And liabilities, damages, or expenses incurred due to the other Partner’s breach of this contract.

Governing Law

This agreement shall be governed by and analyzed in line with the laws of the state of [state], and any disputes arising out of or related to this agreement shall be resolved in the courts of [county], [state].


This agreement constitutes the entire arrangement between the Partners and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Partners have executed this Agreement as of the date of signing.

Partner A: ________________________

Partner B: ________________________

Create Your Unique Real Estate Partnership Agreement

If you’re considering a partnership for real estate investment, it’s crucial to know the elements that should be included in a partnership agreement. A well-drafted partnership agreement can protect your investment and ensure all partners are in sync when managing and operating the property.

Use the sample partnership agreement for real estate above as a starting point and work with a qualified attorney to create a strong partnership. One that helps you achieve long-term success in the real estate industry.

Don’t leave your investment to chance — take the time to draft a partnership agreement that protects your interests and sets you up for success.

Real Estate Partnership Agreement: Guide & Free Sample

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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