Police Services

UBCM is currently engaged on a variety of issues that impact RCMP policing and municipal police agencies in B.C.

Current Issues RCMP Labour Relations / Collective Bargaining

In April 2024, an independent arbitrator awarded RCMP Members below the rank of Inspector and Reservists a 4% salary increase per year for two years, as well as a one-time allowance of $2,500 related to the performance of regular duties. This decision is the result of a binding arbitration process pursued to resolve outstanding collective bargaining issues, including compensation. A second collective agreement is still to be finalized by the Government of Canada and the National Police Federation, the union representing RCMP Members. Prior to this decision, the RCMP included a 3.5% non-contractual estimate in Multi-Year Financial Plans for planning purposes, and this figure was acknowledged by the national Contract Management Committee. It was also noted that negotiated salary increases or those imposed through third party arbitration could result in increases below or above the planning rate. UBCM advised its members, through The Compass, that if they wished to build contingencies that were higher than those included in the Multi-Year Financial Plans into their financial planning processes to mitigate potential fluctuations in negotiated rates or the possibility of arbitration, that they were encouraged to do so. The first RCMP collective agreement expired on March 31, 2023. This six-year agreement included a total compounded increase of 24% to RCMP base salaries, as well as a significant retroactive cost to address the period (2017-2021) when RCMP members worked under an expired federal compensation agreement. FCM and UBCM, among others, delivered correspondence requesting that retroactive costs be absorbed by the federal government. Reasons for the request included the lack of consultation and communication; the difficulty for local governments to absorb large one-time costs (e.g., retroactive payments); and the lack of adequate financial guidance from the federal government. The federal government concluded, in March 2023, that it would not provide any financial relief. The total financial impact for all B.C. local governments over 5,000 in population that hold RCMP Municipal Police Unit Agreements was initially projected at more than $138 million. The Province has confirmed that residents of communities under 5,000 in population will be required to pay costs through the Police Tax. Correspondence
UBCM to Mayors, Chairs & CAOs of RCMP-Policed Communities re Opportunity to Discuss Collective Agreement (Apr. 2022)
UBCM to Public Safety Canada & RCMP re Billing & Collection of Retroactive Payments (Mar. 2022)
UBCM to Minister Marco Mendicino re RCMP Collective Agreement (Nov. 2021)
UBCM to Minister Ralph Goodale re RCMP Collective Bargaining (Nov. 2018)
Public Safety Canada to UBCM re Bill C-7 (Jan 2018)
UBCM to Public Safety Canada re Bill C-7 (Oct. 2017)
UBCM to BC Senators re Bill C-7 (Oct. 2017)
Treasury Board of Canada to UBCM re Bill C-7 (Sept. 2017)
UBCM to Ministers Goodale & Brison re Concerns with Bill C-7 (Apr. 2017) Articles
Arbitrator's Decision Sets RCMP Pay (Apr. 2024)
Canada and RCMP Union Proceeding to Arbitration (Mar. 2024)
RCMP Retroactive Costs for Small Communities (Aug. 2023)
Collective Bargaining for Second RCMP Collective Agreement (June 2023)
Extension Granted for RCMP Retroactive Cost Payment (Apr. 2023)
Local Governments to Pay RCMP Retroactive Costs (Apr. 2023)
Update on RCMP Collective Agreement (Mar. 2023)
Update on RCMP Retroactive Costs (Aug. 2022)
Collective Agreement Concerns Conveyed (May. 2022)
Public Safety Canada, RCMP to Discuss Collective Agreement (Apr. 2022)
FAQ on RCMP Retroactive Costs (Apr. 2022)
Update on RCMP Collective Agreement (Feb. 2022)
UBCM Seeks Federal Action on Policing Costs (Nov. 2021)
RCMP Members Ratify Collective Agreement (Aug. 2021)
RCMP Union Agrees to Tentative Deal (June 2021)
Anticipating RCMP Unionization Costs (Jan. 2021)
RCMP Unionization Update (June 2020)
RCMP Elect Bargaining Agent (July 2019) Documents
Public Safety Canada - RCMP Collective Agreement FAQ (Apr. 2022)

Police Act Review

The Police Act provides the framework for the delivery of police services throughout British Columbia, including responsibilities assigned to the Province and local governments. In 2020, the Province announced its intention to review this legislation, subsequently creating the Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act (SCRPA). The SCRPA has a mandate to research and make recommendations regarding the modernization and sustainability of policing; the role of the police with respect to complex social issues; the scope of racism within BC’s police agencies; and any measures necessary to ensure legislation is consistent with UNDRIP. The Special Committee’s recommendations and final report are due by April 28, 2022. Status
In January 2021, UBCM delivered and soon after presented a submission to the SCRPA. UBCM’s submission includes 17 recommendations that seek to address support for law enforcement; public trust and accountability; responsibility and resourcing for services; efficiency and effectiveness; coordination and communication; and, ongoing engagement. The SCRPA is currently working to complete its consultation phase, during which time it has already received over 300 submissions. Although the final report of the SCRPA is not due for some time, the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General is beginning policy work on a number of its own policing priorities. The Ministry has established the Local Government Policing Modernization Roundtable (LGPMR) as a forum for local government input into this process. Once the SCRPA has completed its final report, the LGPMR’s role will be expanded to include analysis and work related to the Special Committee’s recommendations. The LGPMR will also engage with other stakeholders and roundtables on an as-needed basis. Documents
Preliminary Local Government Input into Public Safety Modernization (Aug. 2022)
Effectively Examining BC's Police Act (UBCM Submission) (Jan. 2021)
UBCM Presentation to SCRPA (Jan. 2021) Correspondence
UBCM to SCRPA re Follow-Up Questions (Mar. 2021)
Minister Mike Farnworth to UBCM re Police Act Review (June 2020)
UBCM to Minister Mike Farnworth re Police Act Review (June 2020) Articles
Appointments to Policing Modernization Roundtable (Nov. 2021)
Police Act Special Committee Seeks Input (Mar. 2021)
UBCM Police Act Submission (Feb. 2021)

Auxiliary Policing

Background: RCMP Auxiliary Policing
The RCMP Auxiliary Program has existed in British Columbia for over 50 years, and is governed by provincial policy, although general policy guidelines are issued by RCMP National Headquarters (Ottawa). As part of an Auxiliary Program safety review that began in 2014, the RCMP has introduced a tiered model that will allow divisions and contract partners to choose one or a mixture of tiers based on local needs and circumstances. Activities will vary depending on tier chosen, but can include public safety education, crime prevention, assisting at major events, traffic control, and/or general duty operational patrols with RCMP Members. The new tiered model replaces the old Auxiliary Program, which was terminated in April 2020. However, Public Safety Canada has yet to come to an agreement with the provinces and territories regarding administration of the new tiered program, meaning there is currently no auxiliary policing option for RCMP-policed local governments. Historically, the Province, UBCM and many BC local governments have opposed the new tiered program, largely due to concerns regarding the proposed uniform. UBCM has previously requested that the RCMP introduce a new uniform that visually conveys the professionalism and authority held by Auxiliary Constables. Other concerns relate to costs and training requirements. Background: Auxiliary Policing - BC Model
Consistent with recommendations made by the UBCM Executive, the Province has begun work on developing a BC-only auxiliary policing program. This has entailed creating a working group, with UBCM and local government participation, to develop a vision, goals and direction for a new auxiliary program; provide advice on key deliverables (e.g. stakeholder engagement); review policy options and make recommendations; and, provide feedback regarding key components of a new program. UBCM has been advised that creating and operationalizing this program could take upwards of 18-24 months, and would require legislative amendments. Status
The UBCM Executive’s position is to accept the temporary implementation of the new federal Auxiliary Program, to ensure some form of auxiliary policing is available in BC while the long-term solution, a provincial auxiliary program, is under development. Correspondence
Province of BC to Affected Mayors re Auxiliary Policing Options (June 2020)
Minister Mike Farnworth to UBCM re Options for Auxiliary Policing (May 2020)
UBCM to Minister Mike Farnworth re Options for Auxiliary Policing (Mar. 2020)
Minister Mike Farnworth to UBCM re Auxiliary Program (Aug. 2019)
UBCM to Minister Mike Farnworth re Auxiliary Program (July 2019)
UBCM to Minister Mike Farnworth re Auxiliary Uniform (Apr. 2019)
RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki to UBCM re Auxiliary Uniform (Nov. 2018)
UBCM to RCMP re Auxiliary Uniform (Aug. 2018) Articles
Input Sought on Auxiliary Policing Options (June 2021)
BC Considering Auxiliary Policing Options (July 2020)