UFT One tutorials

The UFT One tutorials teach you the basics of testing your application with UFT One . Use it to understand how to create and run automated GUI , API , GUI web, and AI-based tests, and analyze the run results.

Before you begin

We recommend working with the tutorials on your computer so that you can copy and paste code and values from the help center page into UFT One .

However, note that at some steps in the tutorials, UFT One will be recording your operations or learning objects in your application. At these times, remember to focus your cursor on your application window and not the tutorials.

Also note that the file system paths in the tutorials are relevant for working on Windows 10, and paths in other operating systems may differ. Change the paths in the steps as needed for your machine.

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Tutorial quick reference

The tutorials include the following lessons:

Learn about the applications used for testing in this tutorial.

UFT One provides the demo flight reservation application and AdvantageDEMO online shopping site.

Learn how to create and run automated API tests on Web and REST services, and WADLs.

When you're done, apply the skills you learned to test your own application.

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